USA Elevation Programs
The NEWEST Development Opportunities Offered By USA
We are excited to announce our Elevation Programs. USA is now offering our players a suite of training and competition opportunities. These programs are designed to give our players experiences similar to Super Y and Director's Academy programs while maintaining the practicality and accessibility that defines our Club.
Our programs are broken down between SUMMER and IN-SEASON programs. The programs are then further broken down to support the specific needs ACROSS ALL OUR AGE GROUPS.
All of our ELEVATION PROGRAMS will feature instruction by members of our TECHNICAL TRAINING STAFF and will include participation from various senior coaches.
The USA ELEVATION PROGRAMS are supplemental to our regular team (those formed through tryouts in June) training and competition. Some of the SUMMER ELEVATION PROGRAMS may form teams that are outside the regular league teams (the teams have ZERO impact on placement on regular league teams). As such, participation in the ELEVATION PROGRAMS will be additive to participation with team functions (all USA teams will have limited trainings during the summer, will have normal practices and games during the fall and spring, and during the winter teams will train or participate in indoor soccer competition).
The foundation of our ELEVATION PROGRAMS will be to provide focused, intentional, technical individual development instruction. The expectation is that participants will be 100% committed to individual growth; executing the instruction, learning the concepts, and dedicating themselves to continuing their commitment outside of the programs while they join their teams and while at home.
We are excited to be ELEVATING the USA game and offering these great opportunities. Follow the links below for the current details.
Upper High School Girls Elevation - Tryouts will be announced soon, but will be sometime in early-mid March.
Summer Elevation (boys and girls U19 through U9) - Details for this program can be found here
In-Season Elevation (boys and girls U19 through U9) - Details fo this program can be found here
Any questions about the programs can be directed to the USA Director of Coaching, Wade Schuemann, at

Contact Us
United Soccer Athletes
P.O. Box 8201
Holland, Michigan 49422
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